Journal Articles

  1. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Latin America and the Caribbean in the International Court of Justice – An Empirical Quantitative Analysis (2000-2024)’ 16 Journal of International Dispute Settlement (2025) (SSCI)
  2. DE LA RASILLA, I., “La réception intellectuelle de Francisco de Vitoria chez les juristes internationaux à travers le temps. Un essai de synthèse” 147 Revue de synthèse (2025) (AHCI)
  3. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Spanish Henri Dunant’ of the Institut de droit international, Nicasio Landa, 1830-1891′, International Review of the Red Cross (2024) (SSCI)
  4. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Towards Comparative International Legal History?’, Journal of the History of International Law (2024) (ESCI)
  5. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Rise in the Participation of Asia Pacific States in the Proceedings of the International Court of Justice (2010-2023)’, Chinese Journal of International Law (2024) (SSCI)
  6. DE LA RASILLA, I. ‘From the National to the Comparative in International Law – Cold War Redux?’ Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (2024) (ESCI)
  7. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Trials of Judge Garzón and the Enforceability of Decisions by Human Rights Treaty Bodies in Spain”, 27 The International Journal of Human Rights (2023) (SSCI)
  8. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘La historia del Derecho internacional en la Revista Española de Derecho Internacional (1948-2022)’, 75.2 Revista Española de Derecho Internacional (2023).
  9. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Paths Not Taken? Episodic Crises and Adjudication of the Crime of Piracy’ Journal of International Criminal Justice(2022) (SSCI)
  10. DE LA RASILLA, I. ‘Looking Forward Through and Beyond the Western Classics of International Law’ Asian Journal of International Law(2022) (ESCI)
  11. DE LA RASILLA, I The Greatest Victory? Challenges and Opportunities for Mediation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement?ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal (2022) (SSCI)
  12. DE LA RASILLA, I “The Community of Shared Future for Mankind and China’s Legalist Turn to International Relations”, Chinese Journal of International Law(2021). (SSCI)
  13. DE LA RASILLA, I., “China and International Adjudication – Picking up Steam? Journal of International Dispute Settlement(2021). (SSCI)
  14. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Sharp Ears to Hear a Thunderclap?” The Rise of Mediation in the Prevention and Dispute Settlement System of the Belt and Road Initiative, 29Asia Pacific Law Review (2021). (SSCI)
  15. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Camilo Barcia Trelles in and beyond Vitoria’s Shadow” 31 European Journal of International Law(2020). (SSCI)
  16. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Concepción Arenal and the place of Women in Modern International Law’, in Tijdschrift Voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 88 (2020), 211-253.(SSCI)
  17. DE LA RASILLA, I. ‘The World Court of Human Rights? Rise, Fall and Revival’ 19 Human Rights Law Review(2019) 587-603 (SSCI)
  18. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Problem of Periodization in the History of International Law’,Law and History Review 37 (2019) 275-308. (SSCI)
  19. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Interdisciplinary and Critical-Knowledge Creation Processes in International Human Rights” in22 L’Observateur des Nations Unies (special issue), (2019).
  20. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘A Very Short History of International Law Journals, 1869-2018” 29.1 European Journal of International Law(2018). (SSCI)
  21. DE LA RASILLA, I., “An International Terrorism Court in nucein the Age of International Adjudication” 1 Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (2017), pp. 76-108
  22. DE LA RASILLA, I., In the General Interest of Peace? – British International Lawyers and the Spanish Civil War 18Journal of the History of International Law (2016), 1-42. (ESCI)
  23. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Shifting Origins of International Law” 28 (3) Leiden Journal of International Law(2015) pp. 419-440. (SSCI)
  24. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Sovereignty through the Interdisciplinary Kaleidoscope” 84 Nordic Journal of International Law(2015) pp.130-152.
  25. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Beyond the Spanish Classics – The Ephemeral Awakening of the History of International Law in Pre-Democratic Spain’ Special Journal Issue: Profession: Juristes Internationales, 7 Monde(s) Histoires, Relations(2015) pp. 137-157. 
  26. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Las puertas del campo – aislacionismo jurídico e interpretación constitucional en la presidencia Obama” en 9 Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político(2015) pp. 79-104.
  27. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Ambivalent Shadow of the Pre-Wilsonian Rise of International Law ” (Special issue on “The Great War and Law – The Lasting Effects of World War I on the Development of Law”) in 7Erasmus Law Review 2 (2014) pp.80-97.
  28. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Three Wise Monkey’s Dilemma? Transnational Law as a Tool of Constitutional Interpretation and the U.S. Supreme Court” 4 (2) Transnational Legal Theory (2013) pp. 227-257.
  29. DE LARASILLA, I., “Francisco de Vitoria’s Unexpected Transformations and Reinterpretations for International Law” 15 International Community Law Review (2013)  287-318. (ESCI)
  30. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Study of International Law in the Short Spanish Nineteenth Century”13Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law 2 (2013)122-150
  31. DE LA RASILLA, I., “El estudio de la historia del Derecho internacional en el corto siglo XIX español”, 23 Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für e europäische Rechtsgeschichte(2012) pp. 48-65.
  32. DE LA RASILLA, I., The Fascist Mimesis of Spanish International Law and its Vitorian Aftermath,1939-1953,14.2 Journal of the History of International Law 2 (2012) 207-236. (ESCI)
  33. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Constitutional Tempo in the Law that Dares Not to Speak its Name” 19 Southwestern Journal of International Law1 (2012)pp. 287-318.
  34. DE LA RASILLA, I. (Ed.). “Introduction” Special issue on‘Ruptures in International Law”, 13 German Law Journal 5,  2012.  466-578.
  35. DE LA RASILLA, I. (With M.Mbengue, Eds.) “Africa and International Law – Reality and Desire” Special Issue on “Africa and International Law” 18 African Yearbook of International Law(2012) pp. 1-310.
  36. DE LA RASILLA, I., “At King’s Agramant Camp – Old Debates, New Constitutional Times” 8 International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-Con)3 (Special Issue on Global Constitutionalism) (2010) pp. 580-610. (SSCI)
  37. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Unsolved Riddle of International Constitutionalism” 12International Community Law Review (2010), pp. 79 -103.  (ESCI)
  38. DE LA RASILLA, I.,”Martti Koskenniemi and the Spirit of the Beehive in International Law” 10 Global Jurist2, 2010 pp. 1-53.
  39. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Una aproximación al debate democrático en Derecho internacional” X Mexican Yearbook of International Law 2010, pp.97-147.
  40. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Where does Scholarly Critique End? Where Does Parody Begin? A Mini-Contribution to a Mini-Symposium with the Permission of Don Miguel de Cervantes’. Symposium on Academic Freedom & Academic Discourse, 11 German Law Journal 6, 2010.
  41. DE LA RASILLA, I.” The Swan Song of Universal Jurisdiction in Spain” 5International Criminal Law Review2009, pp.777-808. (ESCI)
  42. DE LA RASILLA, I., “International Law in the Historical Present Tense” 22Leiden Journal of International Law Nº 32009,  629-649.
  43. DE LA RASILLA, I.,”Nihil Novum Sub Sole Since the West-Africa Cases? On Ius Standi, the ICJ and Community Interests” 10 International Community Law Review Nº.2, 2008, pp. 171-197. (ESCI)
  44. DE LA RASILLA, I., (With F. J. Contreras), “On War as Law and Law as War” 21 Leiden Journal of International LawNº.3, 2008, pp. 765-782 (SSCI)
  45. DE LA RASILLA, I. ’Apuntes críticos para una teoría neoconservadora del Derecho internacional” in 20Révue québécoise de droit international Nº.1, 2008, pp.165-197.
  46. DE LA RASILLA, I. “Obama o los contrastes de la última gran estrategia liberal. Apuntes sobre Derecho y políticaRevista Internacional de Pensamiento Político 2008, pp.105-120.
  47. DE LA RASILLA, I., “All Roads Lead to Rome or the Liberal Cosmopolitan Agenda as a Blueprint for a Neoconservative Legal Order”, 7 Global Jurist Nº.2, (Advances) 2007, pp.1-15.
  48. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Remarks on Post-Sovereignty and International Legal Neo-Conservatism” 8 German Law JournalNº8, August 2007, pp.801-814. 
  49. DE LA RASILLA, I., “Sofisma y realidad del paradigma democrático exterior estadounidense, una aproximación” 1Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político Nº.1º Semestre, 2006, pp. 75-96.
  50. DE LA RASILLA, I., “The Increasingly Marginal Appreciation of the Margin-of-Appreciation-Doctrine” in 7 German Law JournalNº. 6, June 2006, pp. 601-624.
  51. DE LA RASILLA, I., Hobbes, Kant and the Likely Impact of the I.L.C.’s Articles on State Responsibility” inRevista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales Nº. 11, January 2006, pp.1-16.

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